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Announcing the PLCnext System Integration Fundamentals Course

We are happy to announce the release of our newest course in partnership with Phoenix Contact USA: PLCnext System Integration Fundamentals.

We are happy to announce the official release of our second course in partnership with Phoenix Contact USA – PLCnext System Integration Fundamentals.

PLCnext Technology is an industrial control platform that combines the advantages of traditional IEC 61131 programming with the flexibility of open-source languages.

In this course you'll learn PLC programming using a Phoenix Contact PLCnext controller. The course covers how to get started with the platform, how to create program flows, how to implement ladder logic, structured text, and function block flows based on the IEC 61131 standards. The course also covers external communication.

By completing this course, you will learn:

  1. PLCnext hardware configuration
  2. PLCnext Engineer PLC programming using Ladder Logic, Structured Text, and Function Block Diagrams.
  3. PLCnext Engineer OPC-UA communication.
  4. PLCnext Engineer Modbus implementation.

This course will give you all the skills required to deploy PLCnext onto the production floor.

Enroll in this course today!