Siemens PLC Training Resources for Technicians, Electricians, Operators, & Engineers


An Introduction to Siemens PLC Training

Siemens is one of the leading PLC manufacturers in the world and certainly the leader in Europe. Siemens PLC Programming is a highly desired skill in industrial automation. It’s what allows one to create a set of instructions in order to control different devices, pieces of machinery and entire manufacturing plants. These are some of the common questions we get about Siemens PLC training from students and aspiring engineers.

How do you program a Siemens PLC?

TIA Portal is the software used to program Siemens PLCs. It supports PLC Programming for the S7-1200, S7-1500, S7-300, and S7-400 platforms.

Where can I buy an Siemens PLC training Kit?

The best prices will come from your local distributor. You’ll have to search through the Siemens website to find a contact and get them to issue a quote. Another source of hardware that Siemens recommends is Go to their website and search for a starter kit.

Note that the license for TIA Portal does not expire with these kits. You can use it in perpetuity.
FREE PLC Programming Book

Want to learn PLC programming and not sure where to start?

This PLC training book with help you learn everything you need to know to get a job. If you can confidently talk about the topics covered within this book you will come out above 90% of candidates. Many PLC programmers struggle with basic concepts, and yet that’s exactly what employers will test for.


Allen Bradley PLC Training Courses

Allen Bradley PLC training courses are designed to teach you real-world skills through practical examples, in-depth explanations, and hands-on projects.

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